Uncovering the reasons why residents in high care lack appropriate clothing

Feb 3, 2023 | Adaptive Clothing

The Need for Suitable Clothing for Residents in Nursing Homes and Aged Care Facilities

The issue of suitable clothing for residents in nursing homes and aged care facilities has been a concern for far too long. Despite the best efforts of care staff, many residents are still left without appropriate clothing due to various factors. There are many reasons why residents in high care are not supplied with suitable clothing. Many are still unaware of the importance of adaptive clothing with an open back as a solution for both the carer and the elderly.

Unchanged Issues with Residents’ Clothing in Aged Care

Despite two decades of experience working in aged care, issues surrounding residents’ clothing remain unchanged. Care staff frequently find themselves standing in front of residents’ wardrobes, struggling to find suitable clothing items to dress patients for the day. They are often forced to settle for the best options or resort to using clothing from laundry boxes donated by staff or families of deceased residents.

Why High Care Residents are Not Supplied with Suitable Clothing

One of the main reasons why the elderly or patients requiring high care don’t have suitable clothing is that the person is unable to care for themselves. Due to their physical and cognitive limitations, they depend on others to support and help them to function for a short or long period of their life. This can include everything from choosing what to wear to put it on.

The Impact of Physical and Cognitive Limitations on Clothing Needs

Another reason is that providing clothing for residents is often considered the responsibility of the resident’s family or guardian. However, families are only sometimes provided with enough information tailored to their specific case, which can lead to confusion and frustration. Additionally, clients’ health status can change, and families may need to be made aware or able to provide the necessary clothing adjustments.

The Role of Families and Guardians in Providing Clothing for Residents

Another area for improvement is that care team members or family members in charge of making decisions may underestimate the impact that adaptive clothing can have on patients and care staff. Open-back clothing is often seen as a last option for someone in their final stage of life, instead of a practical clothing option that supports someone for a time when convenient clothing doesn’t work. It might be for a short or long period or even for a specific time of day, like night.

The Benefits of Adaptive Clothing with an Open Back

Adaptive clothing with an open back is a solution that can help to alleviate many of these issues. These clothing items are designed to be easy to put on and take off, and they can also be adjusted to fit a variety of body types and abilities. They also provide more convenience for care staff and make it easier for them to dress the residents.

Making a Difference in Residents’ Lives with Adaptive Clothing

It is important to remember that residents in nursing homes and aged care facilities still have unique needs and preferences. Providing them with clothing that will support and help them to live and look their best is not only a practical solution but also an emotional one. It is a way to show that we care about them and want to make their lives as comfortable as possible.

Time to Support Residents with Adaptive Clothing for Comfort and Convenience

The issue of suitable clothing for residents in nursing homes and aged care facilities is complex, with many factors at play. However, by providing adaptive clothing with an open back, we can make a significant difference in the lives of both the residents and the care staff. It is time to give the elderly the respect and dignity they deserve by providing them with clothing that will support and help them to live and look their best.

To address issues of uncomfortable and undignified dressing and undressing, and ensure the supply of suitable clothing for elderly and high-needs patients, these are the five main points to focus on:

  • The elderly or patients requiring high care often don’t have suitable clothing due to their physical and cognitive limitations and dependency on others for support.
  • Providing clothing for residents is often considered the responsibility of the resident’s family or guardian, but they may not have enough information or resources to do so.
  • Care team members or family members in charge may underestimate the impact of adaptive clothing on patients and staff.
  • Adaptive clothing with an open back is a solution that can be adjusted to fit a variety of body types and abilities, providing more convenience for care staff and making it easier for them to dress the residents.
  • Providing suitable clothing for residents is not only a practical solution but also an emotional one, showing that we care about their well-being and want to make their lives as comfortable as possible.

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”

— Margaret Mead

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